i remembered while thinking about alice in wonderland, that tim burton is coming out with his version of the story. when i found out about this i was ecstatic! i just hope it doesn't end up like the willy wonka mess he did a while back. apparently this is alices RETURN to wonderland and she's 17 now but doesn't remember anything. they remember her though. i don't know..i'm crossing my fingers.

one thing i'm not too worried about is the visual concept. i love how wonderfully dark and creepy everything looks. it's a far cry from the previous disney version.

the casting is going to be fabulous as well so these are a few of the actors. we've got helena bonham carter as the queen of hearts. i like the way her head looks so disperportionate to her body as she is so full of herself all the time anyway, and the make-up is to die for.

of course jonny depp is in it and there are not complaints here. what a perfect role for him. i think he'll be able to pull the mad hatter off great. those eyes with the crazy big red hair is awesome.

anne hathaway as the white witch is ingenious. i don't think i would have ever thought to put her in a movie like this one but seeing the pictures of her in costume i can definately see what tim was thinking. i love the dark facial features matched with her white hair and pale skin, she looks so perfectly alien.
the cast also includes alan rickman as the caterpillar and crispen glover as the nave of hearts.
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