work by kevin dyer. i love how he incorporated the human face and animals in the tree itself.

more kevin dyer. this one is the dream tree. reminds me of lord of the rings, which makes sense because i know in the movies they took a lot of their design inspiration from celtic culture, especially for the dwarves.

knitted tree trunks! nothing like adding a bit of color. must have taken forever to do this!

and yet another tree with a little more color than usual. the person who found this tree said it was creepy, pagan looking and repulsive. i found it captivating! the branches look like long fingered hands reaching out to feel the air. it has character.

such a beautiful picture.

oh my god, i want this pendant!!

fun with photoshop.

totally wicked tree houses. it's like james and the giant peach.

i think dead trees have such a dark beauty to them, with such personality.

i have always been in love with trees. i'm not sure if it's because we didn't see much of them growing up in vegas so they seemed more precious. they seem to have so much personality, and steadfastness. they are awe-insipring to me.

beautiful photography by a uk artist.

there's a sort of whimsical feel to his work.


the trunk looks like two people dancing. i love the play on colors as well.

60's sci-fi fantasy tree. wicked!!

tree sculpting. who says trees can't dance?!

i wish this was the road to my house.

the luminescent green contrasted with the deep browns of the tree trunks make my eyes smile.

birch fall
bone tree by gerta steiner & jorg lenzlinger. love it, love it!
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