Wednesday, September 30, 2009

markus lupfer

i want your clothes

my fave!

perfect for fall!

hell explained by a chemist

The following is an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry mid-term. Hat top to Annabelle Mark who is a constant source of this type of material

Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)?

The answer by one student was so 'profound' that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well

Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law (gas cools when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or some variant. One student, however, wrote the following:

First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell and the rate at which they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for how many souls are entering Hell, let's look at the different religions that exist in the world today.

Most of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell. Since there is more than one of these religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all souls go to Hell. With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially. Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand proportionately as souls are added.

This gives two possibilities:

1.If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all Hell breaks loose.

2.If Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.

So which is it?

If we accept the postulate given to me by Teresa during my Freshman year that, 'It will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you,' and take into account the fact that I slept with her last night, then number two must be true, and thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic and has already frozen over. The corollary of this theory is that since Hell has frozen over, it follows that it is not accepting any more souls and is therefore, extinct......leaving only Heaven, thereby proving the existence of a divine being which explains why, last night, Teresa kept shouting 'Oh my God.'


i feel that i should pay homage to another great band from the 90's that i desperately wish was still around: elliot. their spacey, almost hypnotic rock is the epitome of what i think music should be- before emo got turned into what it mostly consists of today.

'false cathedrals' is hands down my all time favorite album by them. and the artwork is sublime as well.

i wish i could've found a bigger picture to post, this size doesn't give it justice. i have this on vinyl nice and big.

this is 'calm americans' off of this album:

i also tried to find another favorite from 'false cathedrals' called, 'superstitions in travel' but i couldn't find it so we'll settle for the lyrics because they're tits!

we're keeping up the fiction and breaking all the mirrors. we're bringing our own troubles by neglecting the cracks we walk on. the daystar is burning in this black cofin we move in. we tried to make it work out hundreds of miles apart. you are the luckiest symbol i've ever found and i'm a world away. we are the final students in the dying art of lost astrology. you are the brightest single shining star i saw from miles away. it's superstitious but i keep on wishing on all the falling stars on hold for me. you keep on pulling and causing tension but you're the magnet. if we never find the way home i'd be more than lost without you and to all the skeptic onlookers we should have never made it this far.

oh! my hubby, derek found an album that was released on like '03 that somehow we never knew about! it was kinda like a second birthday present. the album is called 'song in the air'.

it's a dreamy mix through and through, more so than the rest anyway, a lot of awesome delay work which is great for me. ;)

here's 'believe':

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

music shows!

i have been bugging derek for a while now to start going to shows again as it has been forever since the last time we went to one- i'd say it was when he opened up for finch like two years ago or something.  also, i've felt the need, lately, to do other things with my weekends besides booze it up. i want to look back at my life when i'm old and decrepit (if i make it that far) and be able to say that i did a lot of the things i wanted to do, and had a bit of variety as well. his excuse has always been that there are no bands out there anymore that he'd like to see. i never really had much to say to that because it is getting harder and harder to find music/bands that are truly beautiful and adept, it's like treasure hunting. anyway, i was elated to find out that there were some shows coming up that were worth seeing! we just saw sunny day real estate last friday, a great band from the 90's. they broke up around '05, i think, so it was amazing to hear they were doing a reunion tour.

they put on a spectacular show as well. it was just like listening to the CD's! i wonder if this isn't the last we'll see of them after all.

i was particularly happy to hear them play 'seven', and '47', a couple of my favorite songs from my personal favorite album, "diary". here's 'seven':

the sketched effect they do off and on kinda reminds me of aha's music video for 'take on me'.

we're also going to the brand new show this friday. i'm not as much going for them as i am for manchester orchestra, one of the bands touring with them. now they are one of the treasures among newer music that you don't see alot of these days.

they got together around '05 and came out with the album, "like a virgin losing a child" in '06. this was love at first note for me. it's funny too because the lead singer, andy hull's voice sounds like he'd look more like jeremy enigk from sunny day and fire theft but he's a heavier set guy with a big bushy beard from atlanta- love it! he's the second singer i can think of since claudio sanchez from coheed and cambria who's voice is so wonderfully off from the expected. 

claudio can sing something fierce! i also find that andy looks a hell of a lot like zack galifianakis.

he's one funny mother fucker!

back to the subject at hand, here's some sexiness for your ear pussies: 'where have you been' by manchester:

this is an up close and personal rendition of  'i can feel a hot one' (not a fart reference haha) from their new album, "mean everything to nothing".

okay, one more off the new album. they recorded the whole CD live for a more real sound, which i love. this is 'i've got friends':

the lyrics are so heartfelt and all written by andy. instrumentally, they say it's a collabortion between every band member. they've got some great chemistry!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

mental genitals

i was going through my phone pictures and came across one of, cakes i made for a friend of mine a while back and i thought i should share it, but i don't have the software i need to transfer the picture. : ( 

here's an idea of what it looked like:

the one i made was much smaller since i was a first timer at the dick-cake making business. i used a cannoli for the shaft with two mini cupcakes carved to form. the whole thing covered in flesh colored frosting and all the details you see above. hungry? i know i am.


the other set i made looked like this perky pair of tits! well, maybe not as refined. the presentation was probably somewhere between the above picture, and this:

so of course that brings me to other formative food items.

carrot people

this is supposed to be stuffed salmon

don't try to shove this one in your pussy.


if you feel like your current mode of transportation isn't quite doing it for you, try ridding in this strangely comfortable, blown out pussy bike from finland!


i feel dirty just looking at it. as much as i love trees, it looks like old lady snatch.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

while looking for some stuff for my previous post i stumbled across some intriguing sculptures. enjoy!

this is a sculpture of an actual women who is a friend of the artist. it is appropriately named after her. i assume he wanted to remind the people that even women without the usual aesthetics can be beautiful. she is a painter as well.

this guy lives in america under a freeway bridge. the car the troll is holding in his left hand is an actual car. he is my favorite so far, it reminds me of  'three billie goats gruff' which, i'm sure, is the point.

anyone up for a game of hang man? i've read that this one changes locations periodically- you may be able to guess why.

every man and small infant's dream.

the headless musician. this guy is said to make different statues like this and leave them around amsterdam. quite the rogue artist!


this looks so unreal, i love it. will they be adding more body parts soon?

the following wonderfully abberant statues are actually from a buddhist temple.


nothing like a bit of canibalism! one of the best one's, i think, in this particular collection.

he looks eerily happy for someone who's vomitting.

i've felt like that before.

i'm sure most men feel like this for the majority of their lives lol... i don't envy them.

the one on the left made me laugh.

gettin' handsy

i decided that my blog needed a hand or two in it since am a fan of them. you can tell a lot about a person by their hands, there is so much pulchritude and wisdom in them. so here's a couple:

this one has a biblical feel to it; the damned reaching up to heaven.

these are three very cool coat hangers.

a couple very alluring hands.

i mostly liked the organ in this one.

Monday, September 21, 2009


mew is one of my very favorite bands in the world, and they recently came out with yet another epic masterpiece to blow our minds with! it's called, "no more stories are told today, i'm sorry they washed away, no more stories the world is grey, i'm tired let's wash away". yes, that is the title- more like a short peom, really.

mew actually used little pictures like this one on the album cover for some of the song titles.

 although i am in absolute love with the new addition i still think "frengers" is the best album of theirs to date. derek almost got a chance to open up for them at st. andrew's hall in detroit a couple years ago and we were totally geeked but, sadly, they ended up canceling it. :(  we're not sure why.

this is the song 'snow brigade' live from their "frengers" album. i guess this was at a danish award show. this is not the best picture but you get an idea. but what a fucking phenomenal performance! i always think how awesome it would have been to be able to watch that show in the front row with the snow blowing at them, and their scarves snapping in the wind- fucking tits!

this a video for the song, '156'. the meaning of this song has been debated. some think it's about a personal relationship with a girl that jonas knew, others say the number 156 is related to the occult. i've also heard it was true a story that made newspapers in sweden or something. an elephant and it's keeper, cali, had an extremely close bond for years but when cali died, the elephant got so depressed it stopped eating and starved itself to death. cali's employee number was 156 too. that's the one i choose to believe. it makes the most sense to me, especially when you watch the video. why else would the main character be an elephant? whatever the reason, the song is great.

for good measure i wanted to put a song in from "the glass handed kites" album. here is the url for a song called, 'the zookeeper's boy' if you feel the mew vibe as well.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


this was the largest i could make this picture you might want to click on them so you can really appreciate it. these are women with animal shaped hair. totally bizarre, especially the calf or deer at the bottom, it almost looks too real.

this was called the baby suit... how does he sit down??

something i wouldn't have minded having as a baby i'm sure. although milk flavored beer doesn't sound particularly delicious.

home in a box. another one you may want to click on to see fully. my husband is ridiculously into transformers so i had to post this for him. i don't know if this is really real or not but if it is, that's majorly impressive.

pencil art.


they all look like little sea creatures and coral.

so much detail. i wonder how they engineer it to keep it's form.

it's always great to see something as mundane as a no. 2 pencil turn into a fascinating work of art.

some kind of a hamster rabbit i  think.

one of beetlejuice's transformations maybe.

a falic sculpture.

this is beginning to be like an inkblot test. i see a kitty in this one.

looking into the back of someone's head (minus the brain).


the irony is the first thing the shoes reminded me of was a walker but i'd like to see her walk in those.  i'm envisioning a face plant KAPOW!

sushi earrings. i'd love to meet this guy, never a dull moment i'm sure!